I'm gonna be honest here.
Brewster, usually I don't really like your cartoons. I don't know what it is, because I know that you're a funny and original guy, so it always through me off when you made a cartoon and it was just like that gay ultimate happiness shit. I think you've made progress lately with more well structured stuff like those Nata entries you did but even then the crisp animation and clear storytelling didn't really mean anything because ultimately I still never felt like I was seeing anything new. There was always this general sense of know how basically everything was going to play out through the whole movie. That's not necessarily a terrible thing, but I knew a guy like you should have been taking bigger risks because (old magical negro voice ) you got the chops for it kiddo.
Then this shit came out. Goddamn. Marty showed it to me first and I remember the first thing I said was "Brewster made a cartoon I actually like." Maybe this is just my overly postmodern sense of humor but I think you fuckin killed it with this one. The dialogue and the visuals both revel in this surreal sort of limbo that blends the ultra dry with the totally absurd. I MEAN ONE OF THE CHARACTERS IS A FUCKING BLUE TRIANGLE MILKMAN LIKE WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT. The pacing is brilliant. Again, feels like everything thing they say is fluctuating between two different frequencies, each emphasizing the other. If you'll permit me to go totally artsy fartsy hipster critic for a minute here, I'd say that this cartoon has the comic timing equivalent of math rock. You set up our expectations, and then immediately 180, and then do it again in the next sentence THEY NEVER ADDRESS IT HE IS CARRYING AROUND BOTTLED MILK IN SOME RANDOM FIELD So well done Brewster. This is a good cartoon. But I'm still giving you 4/5. It's very good, but I think you're still just beginning to break into what you're really capable of. Keep up the good SERIOUSLY A MILKMAN COEXISTS WITH BIG BANG THEORY SEASON TWO LET THAT SINK IN
Please allow me to insert your penis into my mouth,